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multiplayer PC trailers Release Dates Clips action Co-op Mecha BREAK PC second closed beta test set for April 26 to 29
The second wave of closed beta testing for large-scale multiplayer mech action game Mecha BREAK for PC will run from April 26 at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET to April 28 at 10:00 p.m. PT / 1:00 a.m. ET, Seasun Games announced. Users can register here.
Tv News Brad Dourif Has Retired from Acting With One Killer Exception
Chucky actorhas said he is effectively retired from acting with one notable exception: he’ll keep voicing the legendary killer doll.
microsoft Amazon Bethesda Bethesda Game Studios Fallout Fallout Season 2 Officially Greenlit by Amazon
This will not come as a surprise to anyone, given the widespread acclaim that Amazon Prime’s Fallout series has enjoyed since it premiered in full last week, but the show has now been officially greenlit for a second season.
PS4 PS5 Xbox One Blizzard Overwatch Playstation Xbox Overwatch 2 Season 10 Brigitte Skin Includes an Adorable Detail
Various skins available in Overwatch 2 boast some neat details that add to their charm, and the new Talon Brigitte skin available with Season 10 is one such example, bringing a cosmetic overhaul to Brigitte's cat as well as the support hero herself. The latest season of Overwatch 2 is a pretty big one for cosmetics, and while the season pass is packed with quite a few skins for players to unlock, it seems more are yet to come with the limited-time Mirrorwatch event which begins near the end of the month.
Android Pokemon Niantic mobile gaming GAMES Pokemon GO Announces New Hatch Day Featuring Baby Pokemon
Pokemon GO has announced a new Hatching Day event featuring Fairy-type Cleffa. Pokemon GO players expand their Pokemon collections through different activities, one of which is hatching eggs. Eggs can be obtained from PokeStops and Gyms, and the Pokemon GO player gets a random Pokemon by walking the required distance.
virtual reality GAMES Meta Quest 3 Gets Major YouTube Upgrade
The Meta Quest 3 has received a major upgrade to YouTube, adding the ability to watch 8K videos. The update gives Meta Quest 3 owners the opportunity to make the most of their device's capabilities and should be a significant improvement over 4K video on the same device.
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Capcom PlayStation 5 Steam Denuvo has been removed from Ghostwire: Tokyo
Bethesda has removed Denuvo anti-tamper technology from the PC version of Ghostwire: Tokyo.
Switch Pokemon Game Freak Pokémon Scarlet and Violet GAMES Pokemon Fan Designs Cover Art for a Hypothetical Third Version of Scarlet and Violet
A Pokemon fan has shared a design for a hypothetical third version of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, calling it Pokemon Viridian. The design has an interesting backstory and the concept has led to Pokemon fans missing third versions of Pokemon games.
game setting guide testing UPS Wellness Software The 5 best mechanical keyboards for 2024
A keyboard is one of the few pieces of technology you may use for hours every day. Why not make it something that brings you joy? Sure, the people who gush over these things can be intense, but the upgraded comfort, durability and customizability that comes with a good mechanical keyboard is a real thing. If you’re looking to make the switch (ahem), we tested a couple dozen mechanical keyboards over the past few months and rounded up our favorites below. We’ve also broken down what to look for when shopping for one.
game show film Fallout shooting Fallout Has Officially Been Renewed For Season 2
Fallout has been a smash hit for both Amazon and Bethesda, renewing interest in the games itself and turning the series into a widespread cultural phenomenon. Despite all of that success, and the general expectation from fans that the show will be coming back, it hadn't actually been renewed for a second season. Until now, that is.
Epic Games Store Epic Games 505 Games Free games Next week’s free Epic Games Store titles have leaked
Next week’s free Epic Games Store titles have seemingly been revealed ahead of an official announcement.
patch balancing UPS trade Wellness boxing fishing Stardew Valley Patch 1.6.4 Is Out Now For PC
Despite having said a couple of times now that Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone is ready to start concentrating on Haunted Chocolatier, he's still working away at improving his baby Stardew Valley. Lots of fixes and new content have been added in the last few months, and Barone has now announced that patch 1.6.4 is now out for PC.

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